Accepting Criticism

Tonight my Step Dad said to me ‘your only problem is is that you lack in confidence!’ I titled this accepting criticism, but at the same time he wasn’t actually criticising to be mean just telling me something if that makes sense.

Obviously I already know I lack in confidence, but to hear someone else say it out loud for some reason really bothers me, but I will also try and take it on board and work on myself.

Accepting criticism and accepting compliments are both difficult, to me anyway, but all we can do is learn from them and try and improve on them.

I for one know I haven’t been myself lately, for me is a mixture of missing my Nan, therapy last year, then the world turning upside down, not seeing anyone but my Mum for three months and I still haven’t seen some of my mates for weeks and weeks.

I have found this year extremely overwhelming and it has definitely made my anxiety worse but all we can do is find ways to adapt and look after ourselves daily.

I have had years where my confidence has been in a good place like when working abroad, I know I’ll get those times back again.

Better days are coming!

A positive!

I noticed a lot of my posts have been a bit negative lately but one thing I am getting better at is running

Okay I’m not always the best at motivating myself, but I just went out & I noticed whilst I was running I wasn’t getting as distracted and was just focusing on the run and where my feet were landing!

I am determined to get good, no matter how long it takes! I’m not a quitter, I may take longer than others but I don’t quit!

This year is tough and I’ve got to start helping myself through this second local lockdown, it’s not a full lock down but it’s still not going to be easy, with new restrictions for the next six months!

I need to find something to focus on so I’m not in my head so much, I should be trying more to look for work, but I don’t know what to do! I know I can’t be exactly picky at the moment but yeah…

I’ll figure it out! Travel wise I’m writing this year off for that side of things and just going to focus on my fitness and doing things for me!

Stay safe everyone, we’ll get through this x

Dealing with insomnia

It’s a pain in the ass, I’ll say to myself sometimes ‘okay I’m gonna have an early night!’ Never happens, it’s now 3:16. I’m sort of used to it now. But it would be nice to have a normal sleep pattern.

I remember the first two weeks we were in a full lockdown down, I barely slept.

Not going to lie I haven’t been the most motivated lately, I am struggling to decide what to do with the rest of the year. I want to go away again but there’s so much uncertainty in the world right now that it makes me a bit anxious, at the same time I don’t want to let a virus stop me living my life.

I’ve been home from Portugal for over a week now, luckily I didn’t have to quarantine, we got back just before they closed the airbridge AGAIN! (Felt super lucky though!)

I want to go back, I’ve been applying for jobs around my home town in England but all my head is telling me is ‘do I really wanna be here?’.

I think I need to just take a risk and go for the winter, there is absolutely nothing keeping me here right now!

Life is too short, I should probably get out of here before there is another local lockdown.

Ugh, so much uncertainty, so much anxiety’s over things. I hate this year. Why can’t we just forget the rules and treat it like a flu? It’s not going to be going any time soon, we can’t live with these rules for the rest of our lives…

It’s mentally exhausting!

Okay, I’m done ranting.

For now…