How to stay strong when things aren’t great..

I don’t know about you but my life has the tendency to go up and down. There are good days and bad days. The longer I have the bad days the longer it takes me to stay on top of things mentally.

I was determined to work abroad this summer and unfortunately I had to come home from my much loved second home (Albufeira) because of the global pandemic.

Plans change, life happens. This year in some ways in my opinion should be seen as a year of growth and change. We’ve lived through two historical events!

Yeah it sucks when plans get cancelled, your life gets put on hold, your wedding got cancelled, your holiday, your birthday, the list goes on. I was mad for a real long time over all the things I’ve missed this year. You’ve got to just tell yourself how you still have them to look forward to and you will be able to make plans again.

I’m not going to lie it’s been tough on my mental health, having to come home, staying at home, staying safe, when the cases were getting higher and higher here in England yeah I was scared.

Now here where I am in England we are slowly coming out of lockdown, the way I look at life now has completely changed.

So how do you stay strong when life has basically gone on hold?

. Accept that some situations  are beyond your control…

. Savour the small moments… you know like the smell of coffee, having a long hot shower, sitting down with a good book, be grateful for these small moments

. Make a list of achievements you’ve made in your life

. Stay active… go for a long walk or even a run

. Challenge yourself to make a list of things you love about yourself

. List the things you’re looking forward to do again when we’re out of lockdown

-Every cloud has a silver lining and this is your chance to thicken that lining and take charge of your mental health so that you come out of the experience stronger-

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